Hubba hubba...to flip (Nokia 7200) or to slide (Siemens SL65)?
I can't believe I have caved, but I have started thinking, "Hmm maybe I should get a new phone." I've always been a loyal Nokia girl, mainly because I'm just too darned lazy to learn how to use other phones. But then, after watching all those Korean serials and seeing the pretty girls with their clamshell phones and sparkly danglies, I want one too! Maybe if I have a clamshell phone, I will have flawless milky skin, beautiful straight black hair, pouty lips and Lee Byung Hun will want to snog me!
Yah, I know the Nokia clamshell phone hasn't gotten many good reviews, but it just looks so stylo! And then as if things weren't bad enough, I had to catch the Siemens SL65 ad on TV with that sexy sliding action. Aarrgh! What to do? What to get?
No no, must resist. Will stick to my trusty Nokia 6510. I don't need a sexy new phone, I don't need a sexy new phone.
Get the Siemens. That Nokia looks nice only.
but mandrake,you forget most women prefer beauty and style over functionality...
Don't get Siemens! It's not user friendly at all. You might consider shopping on Yahoo Auctions.
Resistance is futile.
Now let's see that Visa card ... Ooh yeah, baby. Give it to the cashier ...
There's an even newer clamshell Nokia with a swivel screen that's overdue!
Maybe if I have a clamshell phone, I will have flawless milky skin, beautiful straight black hair, pouty lips and Lee Byung Hun will want to snog me!
you just need a miniskirt.
Mandrake/FF/CZM/Woof: Nah, much as I would really lurve to get a new phone, I think I can hang on to my current one for at least another year.
sd: baaaaaaaah!
Cowboy: You wrong. What if girl has ugly legs?
Jelly Girl, we just turn off the light.
get the nokia 7270! :) i want a new phone too.
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