*sparkle sparkle*
My grandaunt left me some loose jade pieces before she passed away about 9 years ago and they sat in my drawer for years before I finally got round to setting them. I got my earrings over the weekend and am now very happy with my new bling. Now can wear and show off at the next wedding. hurhur.
issat you? nice! :o)
just curious, but what do you do anyways? have figured out ure working in NUS, but as faculty, administrator, or Edward (the bizad western food guy)?
oo.. you have nice neck.. *show fangs*, luckily vampires not adverse to nice jade earrings.
*blush* tank yew.
Woof, no I'm not Edward the western food guy, actually I'm over at the udder university further west, working for the business school in a research position. And that's all I'll let on cos I very shy.
my my, what a long neck you have.
Make my teeth itchy.
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