Monday, October 31, 2005

There will always be a first time

Yesterday I did a very brave thing. I walked into Strip and booked myself an appointment to do a bikini wax for this evening. I was too chicken to ask if they had an available appointment right away, and decided to save the pain for a later time (must have more time to mentally prepare myself).

The reason for this feat of bravery is 'cos I am a vainpot and want to look goods in my new bikini. Am going to KL tomorrow and then Langkawi on Fri for a long-awaited beach holiday. Whee.

But right now, I'm very scared leh.


Fashionasia said...

wahhh......scaryy!!!!!!!!! goodluck!
havent even pluck an eyebrow myself!!!

Ole' Wolvie said...

You go gal ^^

If I ever go to Japan again, I'll try to buy one of their products that's advertised to make hair just fall off, and try it!

(If you go to Kinokuniya and flip some of the Japanese magazines, you might see it)

Tym said...

Strip's very professional. Can't say it's painless, but they do the work very quickly, coolly --- basically, to minimise the pain as much as they can. I hope you did okay! And have a great vacation.

FF said...

I also scared.

atelierz said...

Remember to update on your experience ok? I wanted to go too, but the pain really puts me off. *shiver*

Ang Ku Kueh said...

i wan to go...but dun even have the courage to go tru the door...scared they think i barbarian becos i never ever bothered about such things til now...*gulp*

Tym said...

Ang Ku Kueh > Don't scared! The people at Strip are nice, they won't make you feel like a barbarian ;)

JellyGirl said...

All: Guess what, it was hardly painful at all! As Tym said, Strip is very professional and the waxer was quick and efficient and minimised the pain. I think it also helped to go with the more expensive wax, and not the strip wax, which tends to sink more into the skin.

Tym said...

They offered you 'expensive' wax? I've never been offered that. They just keep trying to sell me their electrolysis whatever method.

Glad you had a relatively painless experience :)