Thursday, October 27, 2005

Spring will spring

I was feeling a little down this morning, what with the sniffy nose, freezing office, and thinking about why I'm not getting any callbacks for job interviews. It's funny how your job ties in so closely with your self-esteem and feeling of worth as a human being. The rational side of me says my job doesn't define me, but then sometimes the heart will whisper that there must be something lacking if I can't even get a new job.

But there's always online shopping to cheer me up; there's nothing that looking at pictures of pretty shoes and bags can't fix. I forgot to bring my camera into the office, so in lieu of a picture of my shoo, I give you a picture of a very pretty 'spring-ey' pair of shoos from the brand Irregular Choice (link provided by the delightful Miss D). And oh, what the hell, here's a pretty picture of a Marc Jacobs baggie as well. Mmm. I feel betters already.


Ole' Wolvie said...

Jelly you not working?

Anonymous said...

hey... dont think too much abt it yah? we all wanna ace interviews and get offers even when we don't really want the position just as a sign that we are wanted, as with all other things in life..

but really, from experience, u never know when the offers start coming, or u might just get an offer from a company with which u thot u messed up the interview!

hope u have a good day!


JellyGirl said...

Wolvie: I am, just looking for a new job now.

Woof!: Thank you for your words of encouragement, sweetie! The thing is I'm not even getting called for interviews! Boo...but it's ok, I just need to rethink my strategy. :) Hope you're enjoying your holiday!

atelierz said...

You "shopping" for a new job? Be patient and keep sending. Good luck! =)

Ang Ku Kueh said...

i think it takes a while before they start conducting interviews? I had to wait 2 months for one of them then, i already got another job...geez...