Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Getting figgy with it

Growing up in a tropical country means I wasn't exposed to figs until much later in life. I'd eaten dried figs before, but never really took to the taste. I've got a pretty sweet tooth, but I found the sweetness way too cloying. That all changed when I finally tried a fresh fig. So that's what I've been missing out on all these years. And now that I've started, I can't stop. We've got a fig tree in our garden, and for a few weeks over summer, I've been enjoying freshly plucked green figs for dessert.

I know there are recipes that incorporate figs, but I'm too greedy and impatient to assemble them into the dish. My favourite way to eat them is to pluck the stem off, and eat them whole, like an apple.

During our trip to Italy, I managed to try some black figs on a bed of parma ham. And I'm in love all over again. Now that I'm back in London, I'm looking out for them everywhere I go.


Clouds said...

i love figs! but they are so high in calories content unfortunately. so i eat them very sparingly...

JellyGirl said...

I had no idea they were high in calories. And here I've been stuffing my face. Well, they're seasonal anyway, so I'm going to make the most of them. :)