Saturday, October 14, 2006

This October, I am into...

I love fall!
Originally uploaded by JellyGirl.
...fall fashion (it's all about layering!), platform-style shoes, my mother's blue trench coat, work trip in San Jose and weekends in San Francisco, stocking up on US brands not found back home (hello Urban Outfitters, Sephora, Banana Republic, A&F, Bath & Bodyworks etc), Korean dramas on Youtube, being more experimental with my wardrobe, Post Cranberry Almond Crunch cereal, trying not to faint from credit card bills once I return to Singapore.

How about you?


Anonymous said...

how long are u gonna be in US for? =) yay! im going melb next week till the end of the month. see u soon and have a good work/play trip!

Ang Ku Kueh said...

work work work work....that's fall for me

Fashionasia said...

san francisco!!u lucky gal u...
come back when the haze is gone..

JellyGirl said...

Mylene: I'm in the US for 2 weeks, will be back last week of Oct, straight after the public holidays. So sad to come back to though, I hear the haze is still around! :(

Fashionasia: I was hoping the haze would disappear by the time i get back, but looks like that's not going to happen anytime soon!