Thursday, October 07, 2004

Abba dabba doo

(Taken from the Mama Mia website) White lycra is soo fat-making

"People with nervous dispositions are to be warned: white lycra and platorm boots will be used".

And with that, Mama Mia started. Quite enjoyable, and I was surprised to learn that I know almost all the Abba songs. Overall verdict: not bad, good for the 2.5 hours, but is fairly forgettable. The first half of the show is more fun, the second half is quite draggy and I remember thinking, OK let's get on with the story. Not that there is much story to begin with.

Also, I was expecting more dancing and nicer looking sets. Maybe I have been spoilt by all those fabulous musicals in New York. oops.


Cowboy Caleb said...

the one on the far right looks like a man!

Mandrake said...

ooo.. cool, I am watching it tomorrow!

Anonymous said...
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