Sunday, December 07, 2008

Snippets of life: Ice skating at Somerset House

Today was one of those near perfect days. Walking to the station on my way to meet friends for ice skating at Somerset House.

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

I didn't fall down while skating. Achievement!

Warming up with some mulled wine in a very posh Tiffany's cup.

Finishing off the day with sushi at newly discovered and new favourite hole-in-a-wall place near Selfridges.

Even with that big plate, we were still hungry, so we ordered more.

Today was a very good day indeed.


pineapplem said...

i know what you mean about good days. i love them! yipee! the sushi looks really fresh. hee, and i don't think it's that big a plate la. :P

Alya said...

I LOOOOVE that cup you were drinking from! I hope you kept it as a souvenir!

I agree with u on the sushi.. It takes a lot of those to fill me up!

Anonymous said...

the sashimi looks really FRESH.

hey, i want the tiffany little cup too. =(

JellyGirl said...

Errm no I didn't keep the cup, much as I loved it. I can't believe it didn't occur to me at all!

And yes, the sushi was so good. I love it so much, it's my new favourite place to eat now.

ShesaRebel said...

OMG!the cup!I love it!!!