Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Diary of a Saturday

The Oscars got me in such a tizzy I forgot to post about my weekend. Here, I present to you, in Bridget Jones style with timings as well, what I did last weekend:

Alarm rings. Lift head up from bed and peer at sky. Looks overcast. Hmm looks like plans to go roller-blading are dashed. Oh well. Roll over and go back to sleep.

Emerge from bed in haze and recall that as have not bought friend a birthday present for his party tonight, will bake him a cake. Harhar. Cheap and heartfelt. Triumph at own cleverness and creativity.

Have lunch consisting of leftover chicken from dinner two nights ago. Eat it standing up over kitchen counter. Consult recipe book for ingredients list, followed by digging around fridge to discover if do have said ingredients. Realise that need: caster sugar, strawberries and cream.

After a shower, it's off to NTUC! Mother is coming along too, as she says she wants to get her Moccona coffee which can ONLY be gotten from that particular outlet. Sister is jogging there to meet us. Conclude that sister is mad.

Freezing in the dairy section. Trying to decide between Thickened Cream and Pure Cream. Which is thicker and more spreadable? Recall that last time made cake, bought wrong cream and the cream part turned out a disaster. After some thought (and shaking of cartons), decide to get Pure Cream as it contains more milk fat.

Back home and potter around kitchen gathering and washing items needed.

Make mess of kitchen sink as have sifted half of self-raising flour onto kitchen countertop instead of bowl. Oops. Look around and discover in relief that mother did not see what happened. Wipe everything up quickly with paper towel and throw away evidence.

Curse self at deciding to make cake on hottest afternoon of the year. How does Nigella Lawson cook and look like goddess at the same time?

Curses! Is the cocoa supposed to congeal like that?

Gak, dropped bits of eggshell into yolk.

Mixer is whirring away. Everything looks good. Breathe sigh of relief. Hang on, how did some of the batter end up on the wall?

Cake in oven! Hurrah!

Remove cake from oven and leave to cool. Get ready quickly and zip off to church.

Pick mother up and have dinner at Komala's. Onion masala meal...mmm.

Return home and admire finished cake. Next step, garnishing! Cut strawberries and blueberries, open cream tub and discover to much joy that have chosen the right cream. Spread cream over cake and glory over how thick and spreadable it is! After decorating is done, decide to take picture of cake for posterity:

Party Cake, recipe Jamie Oliver, wonder-goddess me

Off to party, of course not forgetting to take cake along.

Walk in and discover am only one of two girls in party. Consider scolding friend for not inviting more straight (hot) men to his party, but decide against as is his birthday.

Much playing of Taboo.

Still playing Taboo.

Birthday cake and song time! Friend has 3 birthday cakes, including mine. All chocolate. Wow. Everyone is going to get fatass. Finally get to taste my cake. Not bad! I can bake after all!

After eating cake, settle down for Round 2 of Taboo and intermittent viewing of Britney Spears video extravaganza. Admire her sparkly eyeshadow, hot bod and amazing photoshopped skin.

Leave party for Caprice at Amoy Street. They are playing 80s music, whee! Walk in and discover two drag queens - one in very, very bad Diana Ross gold lame dress with puffed sleeves. Ask waiter for a sweet drink, and get a Spanish Fly. Tastes like cough medicine. Yuk! Note to self: never order Spanish Fly again.

Outside Caprice, 3am.

Feeling hungry. Off to River Valley for supper. Park at the kerb and sit next to 18 year olds who have just crawled out of Zouk. Order prata, soup kambing, satay washed down with lime juice. Bliss.

Beddy-bye calls.


Anonymous said...

very nice cake :)

JellyGirl said...

Thank you yx!

Cupcake Queen said...

Ooh, yummers! The cake sure looks delish.. Anyway, here's a pretty good baking book if you're so inclined, "Cakes" by Maida Heatter. Have had good success with her recipes.

Fashionasia said...

can i have the recipe of the cake? it looks yummie....would love to try it...

and yes Nigella sure can cook with all the make-up on PLUS she wears WHITE??!!! how did she do that?

JellyGirl said...

Cupcake: Thanks! I love flipping thru cookbooks and ogling all the pretty pictures.

Onlyyu: Of course you can have the recipe. I'll email it to you soon.